Split Landscape,  2024

Acrylic, paint on canvas
162 x 130 cm | 63.7 x 51 inch


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        The subtle antennae of the Tree (our psycho-sensory apparatus) will indeed fold into a sphere compact of all times and spaces simultaneously. The sphere will diminish to a dot, a bindu, a title which will vanish utterly, and that which remains will be No Thing. But it is the work of each individual so to cultivate those antennae that they respond to the slightest vibration from those ‘other’ times, those ‘other’ spaces, those ‘other’ dimensions that are in very truth Herself.
Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch
Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch
Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch
Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch
Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch
Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch

        To see ourselves with our eyes open, that is the problem, and to explore our ultimate participations now embedded deeply in layer upon layer of extraneousness: nothing is beyond recall.

Singularity-Curved Vase,  2022

Acrylic, crayon, paint on canvas
130 x 162 cm | 51 x 63.7 inch

Work in progress
Studio, Seoul, 2023

The reality we know is interconnected with the unseen by some design of thought we have yet to know.
            All thoughts are presupposed from other suppositions that have reality in a differential of Reality: otherwise there would be an irreflexive unalterable zero plus zero.

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